Bombshell Priyanka Chopra flaunted three different hairstyles for the Baywatch promo shoot 2017. The stunning lady who wins everyone's heart with her amazing 2017 Met Gala trench coat dress, looks ravishing in the pics wearing beautiful hairdos including classy 60s style beehive, modern ponytail and sexy side-swept styles.
For the first image, 34-year-old Baywatch actress tucked her locks in an incredible beehive updo with side bangs. Priyanka Chopra Hairstyle is clean and very stylish, perfect for any special occasion.
She opts for a modern ponytail for the second image. She looks lovely wearing her hair in high wavy ponytail with lots of volume at the top and side bangs.
Priyanka wear her strands in a side-swept curly style for the third image. Priyanka Chopra's curly look is sexy and party-worthy.
For the first image, 34-year-old Baywatch actress tucked her locks in an incredible beehive updo with side bangs. Priyanka Chopra Hairstyle is clean and very stylish, perfect for any special occasion.
She opts for a modern ponytail for the second image. She looks lovely wearing her hair in high wavy ponytail with lots of volume at the top and side bangs.
Priyanka wear her strands in a side-swept curly style for the third image. Priyanka Chopra's curly look is sexy and party-worthy.
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